let the world know what you really stand for

B2B tech and SaaS copywriting and messaging. career coaching and mentoring for techies and creatives.

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Hi! You’re here, so it’s probably one of a few options:

You’re looking for B2B tech or SaaS copywriting and/or messaging

And you need it to help you stand out in the crowded space you’re in.

Maybe you’ve been competing on product features or prices up to this point, and it only got you so far. Because every other SaaS platform or tech company offers (roughly) the same thing.

You’ve tried (almost) every trick in the book. And maybe even SEO’s been bringing in consistent traffic to your website.

But because that website lacks a strong and consistent brand message and doesn’t clearly talk about the benefits that really matter to your customers, all those visitors have just been bouncing.

You need strong messaging and SaaS copywriting that’s both on-brand and conversion-focused. I got you.

You’re looking for career coaching in tech (or outside)

And you need help naming and communicating your unique strengths.

You might be longing for a career change but not sure how to go about it or even where to go.

Or you might want to refocus on a very specific niche and need help communicating what you want to be known for.

Whether you already know what that is or not, I can help you come up with a plan and a clear message to position you on the job market – in just the right spot. Your spot.

(And if you yourself have been in SaaS copywriting or tech marketing, I can help you navigate the industry and share my experience.)

You’re here by accident

You just typed something in Google, and this website came up. Not sure yet whether to stay or leave.

You didn’t type “SaaS copywriting” or “career coaching for creatives in tech”, and yet here you are.

In which case, you’re more than welcome to stay and have a look around this website – maybe you actually could use some of the services I offer.

But no hard feelings if you don’t. Was good to meet you! I hope I come to mind the next time you’re in need of brand messaging, SaaS copywriting, or career coaching and mentoring.

Still here? Let me introduce myself then.

[who I am]

Hi (again), I’m Karolina. And I help brands and people find their unique message and pass it on to their audiences.

I want you to stand out

I’m a messaging strategist, marketer, B2B tech & SaaS copywriter, career coach and personal branding consultant (that’s a mouthful) helping brands and people promote and sell their products and services online, around the world.

I’ve been in tech for some 20 years now, and have spent the better part of it working with B2B tech companies like software houses and SaaS platforms, helping them navigate their way through the internet ocean of the same, boring, impersonal copy. And then started doing the same for professionals working in the industry who want to be known for something specific that they do – beyond their most recent LinkedIn title.

I quickly noticed that most software service websites look pretty much the same. They have the same headlines. The same website structures. The same copy that’s all about them and their products.

And hardly ever about what they change for their customers and clients (whatever they’re calling them.)

Sure, they create great software for your business (duh!), maybe even help their customers take their business to the next level (ewww!), and increase their bottom line (yuck!).

But so what?

And yes, I hate buzzwords. But that’s because:

Buzzwords won’t make your customers care (even if your CEO thinks they will)

You have something to sell. And – from what I’ve seen working with every single one of my clients – there’s something unique about what you do and how you do it.

But for some reason, you’re not talking about it (or not doing it enough.) You might even feel tempted to take your most successful competitor’s website or email sequence and imitate it. Recreate the design, and rewrite the copy so it’s the same, but different (at least for Google bots, plagiarism detectors, and lawyers.)

I’m here to stop you from doing that, and help you do your own thing: powerful, inimitable, precisely hitting the spot of what your customers or clients want (whatever you call them.)

I’m here to help you make more sales by being you

To take what’s unique about you and what your prospects or potential employers are looking for and turn it into your core message that doesn’t only make people say “yes”. It makes them say “yes! yes! yaaaasssss!!!”

Writing marketing copy is like talking to your customer – an actual human being (Hello, human being!) And because I’m a linguist, a translator AND an experienced online marketer in one,

I can help you nail down what to say and how to say it to your prospects, so they become your customers. Not only once, but over and over again.

“OK, Karolina, but how do I know you can actually do all that?”

OK, let me clear that one for ya real quick with this here handy list.

SaaS and email geek
For 9 years, I was part of the in-house marketing team of a global email marketing service provider. I know how the SaaS model works, and I basically know email like the back of my hand.

B2B tech experience
I’ve worked with many companies providing software development for business, and know what they’re struggling with when it comes to competing on the saturated market – as businesses, solo service providers, and tech and creative professionals.

How it started
Apart from holding a master’s degree in English linguistics
and translation studies and a postgraduate degree in career coaching, I also have these fancy badges:

How it’s going
And here are just a few of the places where you can find my writing (and some speaking) online:

How I became a cartoon at #CMWorld
And here’s me at Content Marketing World
2015 in Cleveland, because I’ve always
wanted to put that pic on my website.

Here’s what others say about working with me

Karolina’s passion for honest, authentic copywriting, keen attention to detail, and dogged determination have made her a truly indispensable asset to our product marketing projects.

Abby Hehemann, GetResponse

What I like about working with Karolina is that she’s not only a creative juggler of words, phrases, and ideas, but also a time saver – her experience and understanding of the tech and creative businesses shows during meetings and brainstorms. She’s fast (but not furious ;)), accurate and can think ahead of you and give useful suggestions. If you’re looking for a partner to work on a project, Karolina’s a perfect match for you!

Joanna Frota Kurkowska, Evenea

Karolina can read her clients’ intentions right away. A quick brief and a chat are enough, and I know she gets it. It’s super important for me, to know that we’re on the same page and that she can read between the lines – I think it’s one of the qualities of a very good copywriter. And she is one, no doubt.

Julian Chmielewski, Feed Me Lab
Arlene Sanchez

Karolina helped us make our complicated software more easily understood by potential clients. She has a great way of simplifying concepts and making them easy to digest.

Arlene Sanchez, PreferredMD Solutions

[and here’s who I’ve worked with]

Now, ready to… uhm NOT take your messaging to the next
level, but to make it work, whatever the level?

[hire me]

and let’s make your brand stand out

    Fill out the form* below, and I’ll get back to you
    within two business days. Can’t wait!

    * I need this only to get in touch with you. Promise I won’t send you anything you didn’t ask for.

    Hate forms? Here’s my email: hello@karolinakurcwald.com

    P.S. Not looking for services right now?

    Download my website copy checkup and see if the copy on your website talks about what really matters to your customers.

    see if they care →